Including personal opinions in your Internal Assessment (IA) is not only acceptable but often encouraged, provided they are relevant, well-supported, and clearly distinguished from objective analysis. Personal opinions can add depth and perspective to your IA, showcasing your critical thinking and understanding of the subject. Here’s how to appropriately incorporate personal opinions in your IA, especially in subjects like Math and Science, where personal engagement is crucial:

Guidelines for Including Personal Opinions
- Relevance and Support: Ensure that your opinions are directly relevant to the topic of your IA. They should be supported by evidence from your research, experiments, or data analysis. This means linking your opinions to the theories, concepts, or findings you are discussing.
- Clear Distinction: Distinguish clearly between factual information and personal opinions. This can be done through phrasing such as "In my opinion," "I believe that," or "Based on my understanding."
- Balanced Viewpoint: While personal opinions are valuable, presenting a balanced viewpoint is crucial. Acknowledge counterarguments or alternative perspectives and explain why you hold a different view.
- Critical Analysis: Use your personal opinions to demonstrate critical analysis. Show how your views have been shaped by the evidence and research you have conducted. This critical engagement is often what examiners look for in a high-quality IA.
Personal Engagement in Math and Science IAs
In Math and Science IAs, demonstrating personal engagement is essential. This involves showing genuine interest and a personal connection to the topic you have chosen. Here’s how to achieve this:
- Math IA: Personal engagement in a Math IA can be shown by selecting a topic that genuinely interests you or has personal relevance. For example, if you are passionate about sports, you might analyze statistical data related to your favorite sport. Describe why you chose this topic, how it relates to your interests or experiences, and how conducting this investigation has deepened your understanding and appreciation of mathematics.
- Science IA: In Science IAs, personal engagement is demonstrated through the selection of a topic that you find intriguing or that has a direct impact on your life or community. For example, if you are interested in environmental issues, you could investigate the effects of pollution in your local area. Explain your motivation for choosing the topic, your connection to it, and how the research process has influenced your perspective on the scientific concepts involved.
Example of Including Personal Opinions and Engagement
If you are writing an IA for Biology, you might choose to investigate the impact of a specific pollutant on local water sources. In your introduction, you could explain your personal connection to the topic, such as living near the affected area, and express your concern for the environmental and health implications. Throughout the IA, you can include personal reflections on how the research process has changed your understanding of environmental science and reinforced your commitment to advocating for clean water.
How RevisionDojo Can Help
RevisionDojo provides tools and resources that can facilitate effective incorporation of personal opinions and engagement in your IA:
Curriculum-Specific Resources: By using RevisionDojo’s question banks, study notes, and flashcards, you can build a strong foundation of factual knowledge, which is essential for forming well-supported opinions and engaging deeply with your chosen topic.
Jojo AI – Personalized Assistance: Jojo AI can guide you in your research and writing process, offering personalized advice and explanations. This can help you articulate your personal engagement and opinions more effectively and ensure they are well-supported by evidence.
Study and Discussion Forums: Engaging in discussions on RevisionDojo’s forums can expose you to different viewpoints and help you refine your own opinions. By debating and discussing with peers, you can strengthen your arguments and present a more balanced perspective.
In conclusion, including personal opinions in your IA can enhance the depth and quality of your work, provided they are relevant, well-supported, and clearly distinguished from factual information. In Math and Science IAs, demonstrating personal engagement is crucial and can be achieved by choosing topics that resonate with your interests and experiences. Utilizing resources like RevisionDojo can help you develop strong, evidence-based opinions and present them effectively in your IA. With its comprehensive study tools and personalized AI support, RevisionDojo is an invaluable resource for any IB student looking to excel in their IA while maintaining academic integrity and rigor.