Revising Your IA: Can You Make Changes After Submitting a Draft?

Ilaria Traballi
5 min read

Submitting a draft of your Internal Assessment (IA) is just one step in the journey. The real magic happens when you revise and refine your work based on feedback. Yes, you can—and should—revise your IA after submitting a draft. This process is crucial for improving the quality of your work and, ultimately, your final grade. At RevisionDojo, we’re here to guide you through the revision process and show you how to effectively act on feedback.

Why Revising Your IA is Crucial

Revising your IA after receiving feedback allows you to:

  • Improve clarity and coherence
  • Correct any methodological errors
  • Enhance your data analysis
  • Ensure you meet IB criteria
  • Increase the overall quality of your IA, which can significantly impact your final grade

Acting on Feedback: Step-by-Step Guide

1. Understand the Feedback

  • Carefully Review: Read through all the feedback provided by your teacher. Take note of both the positive comments and areas needing improvement.
  • Clarify if Needed: If any feedback is unclear, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher for clarification. It’s better to understand fully than to guess and make unnecessary changes.

2. Plan Your Revisions

  • Prioritize Changes: Identify which changes are most critical. Start with major structural or methodological issues before moving on to smaller edits.
  • Create a Checklist: Make a list of all the feedback points and check them off as you address each one.

3. Revise Your IA

  • Make Structural Changes First: If feedback suggests significant changes to your structure or methodology, address these first.
  • Data Analysis Revisions: Improve your data analysis based on feedback. Ensure your interpretation is thorough and aligns with your research question.
  • Polish Your Writing: Refine your writing for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Ensure your arguments are well-supported and clearly articulated.

4. Seek Further Clarification if Needed

  • Talk to Your Teacher: If you encounter difficulties or misunderstandings while revising, schedule a meeting with your teacher. Discuss your approach to the revisions and seek further guidance.
  • Ask Specific Questions: Prepare specific questions or areas of concern to make the most of your meeting.

5. Final Review and Proofreading

  • Comprehensive Review: After making revisions, conduct a comprehensive review of your IA. Check for any remaining errors or areas that could be improved.
  • Proofread: Carefully proofread your IA to catch any typos, grammatical errors, or formatting issues.

Example: How to Act on Feedback

Scenario: Your teacher's feedback indicates that your methodology section lacks detail and your data analysis is superficial.

Action Plan:

  1. Review Feedback: Understand that you need to provide more detail in your methodology and deepen your data analysis.
  2. Clarify: Ask your teacher specific questions about what details are missing in your methodology and what aspects of your data analysis need improvement.
  3. Revise Methodology: Add detailed descriptions of your experimental setup, procedures, and variables. Ensure that another researcher could replicate your study based on your description.
  4. Enhance Data Analysis: Use more advanced statistical methods, if appropriate, and provide a more in-depth interpretation of your results. Discuss how your findings relate to your research question.
  5. Seek Further Feedback: After making these revisions, ask your teacher to review these specific sections again to ensure you've addressed the feedback effectively.

The Importance of Communication

Effective communication with your teacher is key to making the most of the feedback process. Here’s how to communicate effectively:

  • Be Respectful: Approach your teacher with respect and gratitude for their feedback.
  • Be Specific: Clearly explain which parts of the feedback you’re struggling with and ask specific questions.
  • Be Open: Be open to further critique and suggestions during follow-up discussions.

Revising your IA after submitting a draft is not just an option—it’s a vital step towards achieving a high-quality final product. By effectively acting on feedback and maintaining open communication with your teacher, you can significantly improve your IA and boost your final grade. Remember, your IA can make a substantial difference in your overall score, so take the revision process seriously. Ready to perfect your IA? Dive into RevisionDojo’s resources for more tips and tools to help you succeed in your IA journey!