From Stress to Success: An IB Student Experience

Tamiyah Scott
6 min read

I am interviewing a recent IB graduate on her experience throughout IB and the tips and tricks she learned over the course. I want this interview to illuminate a personal and authentic IB experience and luckily she volunteered to display this. So, let me introduce her: Joanna L. is a 2024 IB graduate, involved in clubs and extracurriculars while taking IB and now majoring in mechanical engineering and architecture.

Firstly, tell me about the most significant change you experienced when transitioning into IB.

“To me, there were significant changes that I was able to experience in IB that were different from normal classes. In which the curriculum of IB classes is set with harder challenges, allowing students like me to face various levels of critical thinking, analysis, and research that push an individual to think more critically about the subject that was given to be studied.

In IB there are higher expectations for us to take ownership of our learning, forcing the students to seek out the resources they need as they become more independent towards their studies. Whereas in normal classes, teachers have a more central role in guiding their students in learning. Because of this, the responsibility and independence I’ve learned in IB have helped a student like me to be more proactive in my approach to my studies which could help me beyond my academic career.

Additionally, being in IB, the program is centered on international-mindedness and global awareness. Through this, IB students are more exposed to diverse perspectives and international issues around the world.”

That is very true, I have noticed a very similar thing. Although even with harder challenges, IB can be done smoothly with the help of teachers. This leads me to my next question, I didn’t utilize my teachers as much as I should have…do you think you did and if so tell us about how using teachers helped your experience.

“Although I did not use my teachers because I wanted to seek help independently and develop my problem-solving skills, seeking help from teachers is highly recommended in which teachers have expertise in various subjects allowing teachers to provide guidance and support to students.”

With IB results being released, what do you recommend upcoming students to know when looking forward to exams?

“When looking forward to upcoming exams, it's important to stay organized and manage your time effectively. By making a study schedule, prioritizing each subject, creating study groups, and seeking help from teachers if needed. But at the same time, always take breaks when needed because mental and physical health are both important when preparing for an exam. Nothing is that hard, all you need is confidence and belief in yourself in what you did and accomplished along the way.

So true, exams can cause us to feel defeated even before taking exams, so I agree it's very important to take time to relax and refresh. As we are talking about exams, have you ever used Revision Dojo when studying for exams?

“Revision dojo has been a valuable tool for organizing and reviewing my notes, while also can be used for practicing past exam questions and reinforcing key concepts. Through this, I found it to be a helpful resource in preparing for assessments and improving my understanding of the material.”

Do you think IB has prepared you for college classes in any way?

“By being in the IB program can 100% prepare you for college classes. Numerous colleges value critical thinking skills and more rigorous coursework in which IB students can perform both tasks and more as they develop in the IB program. Through this, IB can be very helpful when transitioning into college-level classes. Also, as I previously stated, It helps provide students with well-rounded education and critical thinking skills, research skills, and global perspectives. The rigorous curriculum that IB classes are set to, challenges students to push more towards the academic route, as students like me are prepared for more challenges in higher education like colleges or even the future workforce. The vulnerable experience a student goes through in IB can help shape its future success proving to what I believe to be both useful and necessary.”

Lastly, with all that you have experienced in IB, why do you recommend students to take IB?

“As a former IB student, I would recommend the IB program to other students. With the IB program being a challenging program, the skills and experience that a student gains through this course can be valuable, helping students stand out among academic competition. Through IB the development of time management and independent study are key essentials needed for college and workforce areas. This program can encourage students to think critically about problems and complex issues that require various perspectives. Through this, the IB program can help shape a well-rounded and informative individual.”

To conclude, through Joanna’s experience in IB, she has revealed her personal opinions on the program and how beneficial it was. As with everything, there are difficulties and changes that we have to adjust to when partaking in the program, but overall IB has helped many students like her in transitioning to college and soon the workforce.