Is Building a Giant Sandcastle a Suitable CAS Project?

Krish Mohanani Daswani
6 min read

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) is a core component of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) that encourages students to engage in activities promoting personal growth, creativity, physical activity, and community service. But can building a giant sandcastle qualify as a CAS project? Let's explore how this unique idea can meet CAS requirements and inspire creativity, collaboration, and reflection.


Picture a sunny beach, the sound of waves crashing, and the sight of a massive sandcastle taking shape under your hands. This isn't just a day at the beach—it's a potential CAS project. But how can building a giant sandcastle fulfill CAS requirements? Let's dive into the details and see how this creative endeavor can be more than just a fun activity.

Aligning the Sandcastle Project with CAS Strands


Building a giant sandcastle is inherently a creative task. It involves designing, planning, and executing an intricate structure using sand and other natural materials. Here's how it fits into the Creativity strand:

  • Innovative Design: Plan and create unique architectural elements, such as towers, arches, and sculptures.
  • Artistic Expression: Use natural materials to add details and decorations, showcasing artistic skills.


While it may not seem like traditional physical activity, constructing a giant sandcastle requires significant physical effort, especially when working on a large scale:

  • Physical Exertion: Digging, carrying sand, and shaping the structure involve considerable physical labor.
  • Team Collaboration: Working with others to complete a large project requires coordination and teamwork.


Incorporate a service element to enhance the project's impact and meet the Service strand requirements:

  • Community Involvement: Organize the project as a community event, inviting locals to participate and enjoy the process.
  • Educational Component: Use the project to educate participants and spectators about environmental conservation, beach preservation, or the importance of creativity in community building.

Planning and Executing the Sandcastle CAS Project

Step 1: Set Clear Goals

Define what you want to achieve with your sandcastle project. Consider goals like:

  • Creativity: Design a sandcastle with specific artistic and architectural features.
  • Activity: Ensure the project involves substantial physical effort.
  • Service: Engage the community and raise awareness about a relevant issue.

Step 2: Organize a Team

Gather a group of enthusiastic participants, including friends, classmates, and community members. Assign roles and responsibilities to ensure everyone contributes effectively.

Step 3: Develop a Plan

Create a detailed plan outlining the steps to build the sandcastle. Include:

  • Design Blueprints: Sketch out the design and dimensions of the sandcastle.
  • Materials List: Identify the tools and materials needed, such as shovels, buckets, and decorative items.
  • Timeline: Set a schedule for each phase of the project, from planning and preparation to construction and clean-up.

Step 4: Execute the Project

Carry out the plan, documenting each stage with photos, videos, and written reflections. Ensure that everyone involved has a clear understanding of their tasks and responsibilities.

Step 5: Reflect and Evaluate

After completing the project, reflect on the experience. Consider questions like:

  • What were the challenges and how did you overcome them?
  • What skills did you develop or improve?
  • How did the community respond to the project?
  • What impact did the project have on participants and spectators?

Example Sandcastle CAS Project

Project Title: "Castle of Dreams: A Community Sandcastle Project"

Description: Over the course of a weekend, build a giant sandcastle on a public beach, involving community members in the construction process. Use the event to promote beach conservation and creativity.

CAS Strands: Creativity, Activity, Service

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify Own Strengths and Develop Areas for Growth: Recognize and improve your artistic and organizational skills.
  2. Demonstrate That Challenges Have Been Undertaken: Show resilience and problem-solving in dealing with construction challenges.
  3. Initiate and Plan a CAS Experience: Plan and execute the project from start to finish.
  4. Show Commitment and Perseverance: Dedicate time and effort to complete the sandcastle despite obstacles.
  5. Demonstrate Collaborative Skills: Work effectively with a team to achieve a common goal.
  6. Engage With Issues of Global Significance: Raise awareness about environmental conservation through the project.
  7. Recognize and Consider the Ethics of Choices and Actions: Reflect on the environmental impact of your project and promote sustainable practices.


Building a giant sandcastle can indeed be a valuable and fulfilling CAS project when approached with clear goals, thoughtful planning, and a commitment to creativity, activity, and service. This unique project not only allows you to showcase your artistic talents and physical effort but also engages the community in a meaningful way. Ready to start your sandcastle CAS project? Gather your team, plan your design, and make a splash in your community. Visit RevisionDojo for more resources and support to help you succeed in the IB program.