The Complete IB Revision Guide: From Subject Selection to Final Exams

Krish Mohanani Daswani
6 min read


Embarking on the International Baccalaureate (IB) journey is like setting sail on a vast ocean. It’s an adventure filled with opportunities, challenges, and a destination that promises academic growth and personal development. But, as with any journey, preparation is key.

This guide will navigate you through every phase of the IB experience—from choosing your subjects to acing your final exams. Whether you're just starting or in the midst of revision, this comprehensive guide will provide the strategies and insights you need to succeed.

1. Choosing the Right Subjects: Laying the Foundation

Understanding the IB Curriculum

The IB Diploma Programme requires students to take six subjects, including:

  • Studies in Language and Literature
  • Language Acquisition
  • Individuals and Societies
  • Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • The Arts

In addition, students complete three core components: the Extended Essay (EE), Theory of Knowledge (TOK), and Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS).

Factors to Consider

When selecting subjects, consider your strengths, interests, and future career goals. Balance is crucial—choose subjects that challenge you but also allow you to excel. Research the requirements for your desired university courses, as some institutions have specific prerequisites.

2. Building a Strong Foundation: The Core Components

Extended Essay (EE)

The EE is a 4,000-word research paper on a topic of your choice. Start early, choose a topic you're passionate about, and seek guidance from your supervisor. This project not only improves research and writing skills but also contributes to your final grade.

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

TOK explores the nature of knowledge and how we know what we know. It culminates in a presentation and an essay. Engage actively in class discussions and connect TOK concepts to your subjects.

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)

CAS requires students to engage in activities beyond academics. It’s a great way to explore new interests, develop skills, and contribute to your community. Keep a detailed CAS diary and reflect on your experiences regularly.

3. Effective Study Strategies: Preparing for Exams

Creating a Study Schedule

A well-structured study schedule is essential. Break down your revision into manageable chunks, allocate time for each subject, and include breaks to avoid burnout. Use tools like calendars or digital planners to stay organized.

Active Learning Techniques

Passive reading isn’t enough. Engage with the material through active learning techniques like:

  • Summarizing Notes: Create concise summaries of each topic.
  • Mind Maps: Visualize connections between concepts.
  • Practice Questions: Test your knowledge with past papers and quizzes.

Balancing Coursework and Revision

Balancing ongoing coursework with revision can be challenging. Prioritize tasks based on deadlines and importance. Use the Pomodoro Technique to maintain focus and efficiency during study sessions.

4. The Final Stretch: Last-Minute Revision and Exam Strategies

Last-Minute Revision

In the final weeks before exams, focus on consolidating your knowledge. Review key concepts, work through past papers, and refine your exam techniques. Avoid cramming and prioritize quality over quantity.

Exam Day Tips

  • Preparation: Pack your bag with all necessary materials (e.g., pens, calculator, ID) the night before.
  • Arrival: Arrive at the exam venue early to avoid unnecessary stress.
  • Mindset: Stay calm and confident. Remember, thorough preparation is your best ally.


The IB journey is a rigorous but rewarding experience. By carefully selecting your subjects, engaging with the core components, and employing effective study strategies, you can navigate this journey successfully. Remember, the key to excelling in IB is not just hard work but also smart work. So, take a deep breath, trust in your preparation, and approach your exams with confidence. Good luck!

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