The Ultimate Checklist for IB Revision: Everything You Need to Succeed

Krish Mohanani Daswani
5 min read

IB exams are looming, and the pressure is on. You’ve got books, notes, and a whole lot of anxiety. But wait—what if there was a foolproof checklist that could guide you through your revision journey, ensuring you don’t miss a thing?

Welcome to the ultimate IB revision checklist, your comprehensive guide to acing your exams. From essential resources to study strategies and well-being tips, we’ve covered everything you need to succeed. Let’s dive in and start ticking those boxes!

1. Essential Resources: Your Revision Arsenal

Textbooks and Study Guides

  • IB-Specific Textbooks: Ensure you have the latest editions of textbooks aligned with your syllabus.
  • Study Guides: Use guides like RevisionDojo’s study notes for concise summaries and key points.

Past Papers and Mark Schemes

  • Past Papers: Download past papers from RevisionDojo and other reliable sources to practice under exam conditions.
  • Mark Schemes: Review mark schemes to understand the examiners’ expectations and improve your answer quality.

Digital Tools and Apps

  • RevisionDojo: Utilize its question banks, flashcards, and AI-powered recommendations for personalized learning.
  • Other Apps: Consider using Anki for flashcards and Forest for focus.

2. Study Strategies: Mastering the Art of Revision

Creating a Study Schedule

  • Plan Your Time: Allocate time for each subject, focusing more on your weaker areas.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Break down your revision into manageable tasks and set daily or weekly targets.

Active Learning Techniques

  • Flashcards: Create flashcards for key terms and concepts.
  • Mind Maps: Use mind maps to visualize connections between topics.
  • Teach What You Learn: Explaining concepts to others (or even to yourself) can reinforce your understanding.

Practice, Practice, Practice

  • Past Papers: Regularly practice with past papers to familiarize yourself with the exam format and timing.
  • Mock Exams: Simulate exam conditions by taking full-length mock exams.

3. Well-Being: Maintaining a Healthy Balance

Sleep and Nutrition

  • Get Enough Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to ensure your brain is well-rested.
  • Eat Well: Maintain a balanced diet with plenty of brain-boosting foods like nuts, fish, and leafy greens.

Stress Management

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Incorporate mindfulness practices to reduce stress.
  • Breaks and Leisure: Don’t forget to take breaks and enjoy leisure activities. A healthy mind is a productive mind.

Physical Activity

  • Stay Active: Regular exercise can boost your mood and energy levels, helping you stay focused during revision.

4. Exam Day Preparation: Final Checks

The Night Before

  • Pack Your Bag: Include all necessary items like pens, pencils, a calculator, and your ID.
  • Review Key Concepts: Do a quick review of key concepts, but don’t overdo it.

On the Day

  • Arrive Early: Give yourself plenty of time to get to the exam venue.
  • Stay Calm: Take deep breaths and stay positive. You’ve prepared, and you’re ready.


With this ultimate checklist, you’re well-equipped to tackle your IB exams head-on. Remember, preparation is key, but so is maintaining your well-being. Follow this guide, use the resources at your disposal, and keep a positive mindset. You’ve got this! Now, go out there and show those exams who's boss.

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