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Overall score


Criterion A: Personal Engagement


Strong personal connection to the topic through real-world observation

Clear demonstration of curiosity and initiative in pursuing the research question

Areas for improvement

Consider incorporating more unique or innovative elements in the experimental design to showcase stronger personal input

Explore more deeply how this investigation connects to broader scientific or societal issues


Criterion B: Exploration


Well-defined research question

Appropriate and detailed methodology

Good consideration of control variables

Areas for improvement

Elaborate more on the connection between theoretical concepts and your experiment

Discuss the reliability and validity of your measurements more explicitly

Expand on ethical considerations, particularly regarding chemical disposal


Criterion C: Analysis


Comprehensive raw data collection

Appropriate data processing techniques

Good attempt at uncertainty analysis

Areas for improvement

Include more advanced statistical analysis, such as standard deviation calculations

Provide a more in-depth discussion of how uncertainties specifically impact your conclusions

Offer a more nuanced interpretation of the data, considering more factors that could influence the results


Criterion D: Evaluation


Clear conclusion that answers the research question

Good attempt at comparing results with theoretical calculations

Realistic suggestions for improvement and further investigation

Areas for improvement

Provide a more explicit discussion of how your conclusion is supported by your data

Compare your results more directly with literature values

Classify errors more explicitly (random, systematic, human) and analyze their specific impacts in more detail

Elaborate more on the strengths of your methodology


Criterion E: Communication


Comprehensive referencing of external sources

Good use of subject-specific terminology

Generally clear presentation of information

Areas for improvement

Make some sections, particularly in the background information, more concise and directly relevant to your investigation

Improve the descriptiveness of some figure and table titles

Ensure all parts of the document are equally polished in terms of formatting and presentation