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Overall score


Criterion A: Presentation


Effective use of graphs and diagrams to illustrate concepts and results

Clear presentation of experimental setup and process

Areas for improvement

Improve the flow between different sections of the exploration

Provide a more comprehensive conclusion that ties back to the initial question


Criterion B: Mathematical Communication


Effective use of multiple forms of mathematical representation

Good application of mathematical software (Desmos) for visualization

Areas for improvement

Provide more explicit definitions and explanations for key variables and constants

Enhance the clarity of mathematical derivations, especially in the curve-fitting process


Criterion C: Personal Engagement


Connection of the investigation to personal experiences

Independent execution of the experiment and analysis

Areas for improvement

Explore the topic from multiple perspectives beyond just mathematical modeling

Include more explicit predictions and hypothesis testing in your investigation


Criterion D: Reflection


Consideration of some limitations in the experimental setup and results

Comparison of experimental data with the mathematical model

Areas for improvement

Include more explicit reflection on personal learning outcomes

Provide a more comprehensive discussion of limitations and potential alternative approaches


Criterion E: Use of Mathematics


Appropriate application of exponential functions to model cooling processes

Effective use of technology (Desmos) for visualization and analysis

Areas for improvement

Provide more rigorous justification for mathematical steps, especially in the curve-fitting process

Explore the physical meaning of mathematical parameters more deeply to demonstrate thorough understanding