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Overall score


Criterion A: Fieldwork question and geographic context


The key concept of ethics is clearly identified on the title page.

The research question focuses on a single business (Estée Lauder) and addresses a specific issue related to the syllabus (ethical considerations in international business).

Areas for improvement

The background information about Estée Lauder is limited and could be more comprehensive.

The outline of the issue under investigation lacks clarity and depth.

The methodology used to investigate the issue is not explicitly explained.

The connection between the research question and the key concept of ethics is not consistently analyzed throughout the IA.


Criterion B: Supporting Documents


The student has included supporting documents as evidenced by the references to them in the text.

Some documents appear to be recent, as indicated by references to 2022 data.

Areas for improvement

It's unclear if exactly 3-5 supporting documents are used, as they are not clearly labeled or presented.

The relevance of each document to the research question is not explicitly demonstrated.

There's no evidence of different types of documents being used (e.g., articles, reports, interviews).

Highlighted parts of documents are not visible in the provided excerpt.

The unique insights provided by each document are not clearly demonstrated.


Criterion C: Selection and application of tools and theories


The student has applied some relevant tools from the IB Business Management syllabus, such as STEEPLE analysis and SWOT analysis.

There is an attempt to apply these tools to the research question.

Areas for improvement

The list of all possible tools and theories applicable to the research question is not provided.

The relevance of each selected tool is not briefly explained.

The application of the tools lacks depth and thorough understanding.

Limitations or potential issues with the applied tools are not discussed.

Key findings from the application of tools are not clearly summarized or related back to the research question.

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