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Overall score


Criterion A: Personal Engagement


The student shows personal relevance by connecting the topic to their family's Jewish culture and bread-making tradition.

There is evidence of personal input in designing the study, as seen in the preliminary experiment and methodology adjustments.

Areas for improvement

You could have elaborated more on how this investigation relates to broader global issues beyond personal experience.

Consider explaining how your initiative in conducting the preliminary experiment led to improvements in the final methodology.


Criterion B: Exploration


The research question is clearly stated and focused.

Background information on yeast respiration and the effect of salinity is provided.

Both null and alternative hypotheses are stated.

The methodology is appropriate and includes steps to ensure validity.

Areas for improvement

Your background information could be more detailed and better connected to the specific research question.

Explain the biological principles behind yeast respiration more thoroughly to demonstrate a deeper understanding.

Include more specific information on how the variables were controlled and why they are important.


Criterion C: Analysis


Raw data is presented in both qualitative and quantitative forms.

Data processing includes calculation of means and standard deviations.

A statistical test (Spearman's Rho) is performed to determine the validity of the results.

Interpretation of the processed data is attempted.

Areas for improvement

Provide a more detailed explanation of why Spearman's Rho was chosen as the statistical test.

Discuss the sources of uncertainty in your measurements more thoroughly.

Analyze the impact of the outlier in IV1 more critically and justify its exclusion.

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