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University of Cambridge
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London School of Economics
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Technology stack

Explain why protocols are used in network communications.

Jojo AIAI Hint

Think about how people from different countries use different languages to communicate with each other. Similarly, computers on a network may use different languages (protocols) to communicate. So, protocols are needed to make sure that they can "speak the same language" and understand each other properly.

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Explain why a centripetal force is needed for the planet to be in a circular orbit.

Student responseThe planet needs a centripetal force to maintain its velocity. Without the force, the planet will slow down and eventually stop.
Jojo AIAI Feedback

Great effort! But let's make sure we have a clear understanding. The planet's velocity depends on both its speed and direction. The role of the centripetal force is to continuously change the direction of the planet's velocity vector and not its speed, keeping it in a circular orbit. Keep up the good work!

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Really useful and unique study site that goes beyond a basic question bank, providing comprehensive answers with tons of useful resources. much love!!”



The AI tips and explanations are 10/10! I was amazed when I first discovered RevisionDojo, thank you so much to those who created this πŸ’–β€



Very useful website. The implementation of AI to assist my understanding of questions is truly remarkable!”



A truly unique, useful and highly functional website that has helped all students in my school”

Mr. C. Dalton


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