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7/24/2024 · 3 min read
What are the benefits of taking the IB?

Discover the benefits of taking the IB program, from developing critical thinking and research skills to gaining a global perspective. Learn how the IB can enhance university applications, prepare you for higher education, and provide a well-rounded education

7/10/2024 · 6 min read
Understanding the IB Grading System

Navigating the IB grading system may be daunting. I'll break it down for you explaining how your exams and assessments are graded, what are grade boundaries, and tips for achieving high scores, helping you feel confident and prepared.

7/24/2024 · 4 min read
Is IB even worth it? The Real Scoop

Is the IB program worth it? Get the real scoop on the pros and cons, including academic rigor, university preparation, and potential stress. Explore whether the International Baccalaureate is the right fit for you and what benefits it offers compared to other educational programs.