All #Time management Posts

7/24/2024 · 6 min read
How much time should I spend on my IA?

Curious about how much time to allocate to your Internal Assessment (IA)? Learn about recommended time frames, factors influencing the duration, and tips for effective time management. Ensure you dedicate sufficient time to research, write, and refine your IA for optimal results

7/24/2024 · 4 min read
How much procrastination is allowed when doing an IA?

Wondering how much procrastination you can get away with when working on an IA? Explore the impact of procrastination on your Internal Assessment, time management strategies, and tips for staying on track. Learn how to balance deadlines and productivity to achieve your best results

7/24/2024 · 4 min read
What is the timeline for completing an IA?

Curious about the timeline for completing your Internal Assessment (IA)? Discover the key milestones, from topic selection to final submission. Learn how to effectively plan and manage your time throughout the IA process, ensuring you meet all deadlines and produce quality work